Windows11 AutoEndTasks and kill timeout

윈도 종료했다고 생각했는데 프로그램 하나가 종료되지 않아 PC가 계속 켜져있는 상황이 관찰되었다.

일정시간 대기하고 반응없으면 강제종료 했으면 하는데
일단 아래 레지 등록으로 해결되는지 확인 예정

It is possible to control how quickly windows automatically should end applications.

Windows can detect when an applications freezes if it don’t respond within a specific time, then prompt user:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop]
HungAppTimeout = “2500” (Default = 5000, Min = 1, Max = 65536)

Windows can be told to automatically close freezed applications without asking user first:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop]
AutoEndTasks = “1” (Default = 0, Enable = 1, Disable = 0)

Windows can force close applications at shutdown which don’t close within a specific time :

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop]
WaitToKillAppTimeout = “10000” (Default = 20000, Min = 1, Max = 65536)

Note if lowering the timeout values too much, then it might lead to improper shutdown of the applications, which might lead to half-written/ invalid / faulty data that will keep the application from starting properly again.

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